Eastern Waters Chesapeake
Bay Retrievers
Founded in the late 1940's by the late Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Horn of Frenchtown, New Jersey, Eastern Waters has evolved as a breeding program consisting of the original breeders and both second and third generation families. Eastern Waters dogs can be found in most quality pedigrees in the United States and Europe. This describes the activities and achievements of Nathaniel and Susan Horn.
Breeding Program
Through careful selective breeding, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers of the finest temperament have been produced. Careful environmentally controlled breeding and cultivation have resulted in Eastern Waters dogs who have excellent temperaments while retaining their allegiance to the family. Careful evaluation of the puppies at Eastern Waters prior to eight weeks of age assists the new owner in receiving a puppy equipped tohandle the purposes for which acquired. Consideration of the breeding pedigree and temperament of each puppy are continually conducted from birth to ensure that each puppy is provided with the nurturing and conditioning necessary to maintain and active and healthy life.
Since 1969, Nathaniel and Susan Horn have analyzed canine hips and eyes and other hereditary conditions through actual evaluation of litters and documentation throughout the Unites States and through the tracing of pedigrees and health records. As a result, few dogs have difficulties with hip dysplasia when raised nutritionally and environmentally as instructed. Dogs are produced for hunting, showing, obedience, tracking and as family members.
Show Dogs
Breeding for over 25 years, Nathaniel and Susan Horn have produced top winning dogs of the breed. Best In Show, Group Winners, Specialty Winners and top breed competitors can be found throughout the country. In 1993 alone, 6 of the top ten Chesapeake Bay Retrievers in the United States came from Eastern Waters breeding.
Foundation stock included the legendary American and Canadian Champion, Eastern Waters Chargn Knight, CD, who enhanced the Chesapeake as a competitor in Sporting Group competition. "Chargn", bred by Susan Horn in 1979, combined structure, elegance and enthusiasm and established a remarkable record of 66 Group Placements, a Best In Show, several Supported Entry wins, the Westminster Kennel Club Best Of Breed winner for three years as well as the top Chesapeake of the early eighties. Out of selected breedings to him and his get, several other breeders have also produced top winning Chesapeakes in the East, Midwest and California.
Of greatest note, Champion Eastern Waters Diamond Dust, his grandson, had established the top record in Sporting dog competition for the breed, eventually broken by his great grand daughter, Champion Sandbar's Last Laugh. "Dusty" achieved multiple Best In Shows, a National Specialty, Supported Entry wins, Best Of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club and all-time Sporting Group wins and placements. "Dusty" had been Number One in the breed for several years during the nineties, continuing to win Breeds and Group placements at nine years of age.
Of proudest note however, are the foundation bitches. Usually undervalued in the show ring, these bitches are truly the secret of successful breeding. By passing both excellent structure and temperament and nurturing puppies in a positive manner, these bitches are truly the foundation for Eastern Waters. Ch. Eastern Waters Ever Amber, TD, dam of Chargn Knight, produced several other dogs who became top winners and producers themselves.
Ch. Eastern Waters Royal Topaz, heritage to twelve other Sporting Group winners and other kennels' foundation stock, remains Eastern Waters' greatest love. Ch. Eastern Waters Diamond Dust, Ch. Eastern Waters Wet And Wild, Ch. Sandbar's Coastal Hurricane, Ch. Wyeth Meadows Touch Of Amber, Ch. Shadowcreek's Claim To Fame, Ch. Fitzhugh's Bag The Limit and Ch. Meadowwoods Lightning Bolt are among those Chesapeakes which owe their winning records, in part to her. "Topaz" showed both in the breed ring and in Junior Showmanship handled by the Horn's daughter, Sarah, demonstrating the great versatility of the breed in fortitude and patience. Sarah, at 13, was invited and attended the Westminster Kennel Club show to exhibit in Junior Showmanship with "Topaz". "Dusty" was also shown in Junior Showmanship handled by Sarah helping her to achieve the longest record of "Top Junior Handler" for the American Chesapeake Club.